This site is dedicated to the miniatures, box sets, paint 'n' plays, blister packs, and other related products produced for the Dungeon Dwellers line by Heritage USA. Heritage USA was a miniature and gaming company created by the merger of two companies; Heritage Models (owned by Jim Oden and Cleve Burton) and Custom Cast (owned by Duke Seifried, aka Uncle Duke) in 1977. The Dungeon Dwellers line began production in the later months of 1979 (showing up in dealer catalogs in the winter of 1980). It continued production until the business closed in the summer of 1982.
This site was started to provide information, acquire more knowledge, and preserve the history of the Heritage Dungeon Dwellers line. It has been 10 years since our last revamp, and we hope you enjoy the new look! This update is also user friendly to those using mobile devices. The descriptions below will help you navigate to your area of interest:
The "Green Box Sets" area has information on all the early Dungeon Dwellers Box Sets, including the miniatures, painting guides, and other items related to these sets' contents.
The "White Box Sets" area has information on all the later produced Dungeon Dwellers Box Sets, including the miniatures, painting guides, and other items related to these sets' contents.
The "Paint 'n' Play Sets" area provides information on the gaming kits that Heritage produced for the Dungeon Dwellers line. This includes the miniatures, painting guides, rules, maps, and other items related to the contents of the Paint'n'Play sets.
The "Blisters" area deals with all of the blisters packs available; this includes the painted, unpainted blister packs and painted Red Box sets (as they apply to the Dungeon Dwellers line).
The "Miniatures" area contains images of all the miniatures used in the Dungeon Dwellers line of miniatures. Also in this area are photographs of painted Heritage Dungeon Dwellers miniatures that I have either had commissioned or obtained from other collectors.
The "Interviews" area includes a question and answers discussion with many of the people who worked at Heritage back in the day. The current list includes David Helber, Howard Barasch, and Duke Seifried.
Lastly, the "Museum" area includes photos from my collection of Dungeon Dwellers figures, artwork, molds, catalogs, and other Heritage USA / Dungeon Dwellers memorabilia.
If you have any comments about this site or would like to contribute to the efforts, please feel free to Contact Us.
Without the help and support of the following people and companies, this site would not be possible.
From within the industry:
Willard Dennis, David Helber, Max Carr, Steve Bissett, Howard Barasch, Max Nuclear, and Duke Seifried. Without your help, friendship, and continued support, the data on these pages would not be possible.
The owners of Reaper Miniatures, David and Ed Pugh, for hosting the yearly Heritage reunions. Without your support, we would have never been able to meet, game, and get to know the "Heritage Gang."
Michael Thomas for his help with the unreleased Dungeon Dwellers and confirming some of the identification of miniatures labeled on the old Heritage molds he owns. His website is currently down, but if you are looking for that "one" figure to complete your set, contact him. He has been permitted to re-issue some of the Dungeon Dwellers miniatures and may have what you need. He can be contacted via email or on Facebook.
Darron LaFleur, Greg Hamlin, David Erdeljac, Brandon Palmer, Vincent Landt, Adam Pratt, Bryan Merlonghi, Robert Wheeler, Dan Fox, Michael Genet, Shannon Stilz, Vincent Landt, Eric Louchard, and Lyn Stahl.
Stefan Poag; for painting the website picture above. A truly "old school" encounter, with figures from the Dungeon Dwellers line of miniatures.
David T. Wenzel for allowing me to use the images of the white box sets on my site. David retains the copyright to the original artwork.
From various groups and Facebook:
Jim Wampler, Chris Sherman, Bill Soucy (the "Dungeon Dwellers Cartel"), Jonny Winters, Mick Leach, Allan T. Grohe, Jr., Frank Weaver, Mike Monaco, Mat Roberts, Russ Herschler (for the use of his MoriaCitadel font), and others who either contributed to the site or supported the efforts of "Dungeon-Dwellers.info" throughout the years!
The inspiration:
Lastly, I would like to thank Rick Price and the late Jamey Price. For those who did not know Jamey, he was the webmaster for the “Digital Dragon.” A website that cataloged, photographed, scanned, and identified figures from various manufacturers. His collection of miniatures was VAST, and after his passing, we were able to obtain most of his Heritage collection. To honor and continue his work, this site was started even though it is only one manufacturer and only one of their lines; Heritage Dungeon Dwellers!!!!
Recent Comments:
- August 13, 2017 at 8:22 pm on 3110 Caverns of DoomUpdated... "miniatures included" to include missing dragon wing.
- August 6, 2017 at 10:35 am on 3110 Caverns of DoomNeed to add another wing to the "miniatures included in set".
- August 6, 2017 at 10:13 am on Introduction to the MiniaturesNeed to add more information: List of the painters, and links to painter websites
- August 6, 2017 at 10:07 am on Blister PacksNeed to add more information: List variations in blister description vs. printed blister description, and list variations in painted blister
- August 6, 2017 at 9:42 am on Introduction to White Box SetsNeed to add more information: Add listing of all the white sets, links to white box painting guides (unedited), add
- August 6, 2017 at 9:35 am on Introduction to the Green Box SetsNeed to add more information: Links to green box painting guides (unedited), photo of the inspection tag, add sample photo