3506 Box Cover Art

3506 & 3507-PG (Painting Guide)

Included in this set were 6 Great Monsters. The monster descriptions listed below are taken from the back of the Box Set:
HYDRA (3 parts) - 1275A-1, 1275B, 1275C; A many-headed reptilian monster. The quick lashing movements of its snakelike necks and hundreds of teeth can rend and tear its victims to shreds.
GRIFFON (3 parts) - 1281A, 1281B (2); A flying creature of the rocky cliffs. The adult Griffon is intelligent and can be a highly dangerous foe, but the fledglings can be tamed and are prized as fierce and loyal steeds when full grown.
BASILISK (2 parts) - 1289A, 1289B; A slow-moving reptilian monster with eight legs. The Basilisk's major weapon is its gaze which can turn any living creature into stone.
TITAN (3 parts) - 1292A, 1292B, 1292C; A beautiful god-like being possessed of many magical abilities. These, combined With the Titan's enormous stature, make it a powerful friend or adversary.
DRAGON (6 parts) - 3506A, 3506B, 3506C, 3506D, 3506E (2); A large intelligent reptilian creature that loves wealth and will fiercely fight to defend his treasure. Dragons usually fly and possess a deadly breath weapon of fire, poison or cold.
Figures included in the Set:
The figures shown above were the miniatures provided in the earlier sets. However, variations in this Box Set were possible either due to availability of a miniature, or updates to the figures. As such, later sets may have included the re-sculpted Hydra body (1275A-2) with both front paws down vs. the earlier Hydra body (1275A-1) with his left paw up and right paw down. See comparison below: