3501 Box Cover Art

3501-PG (Painting Guide)

Included in this set were 18 Adventuring Character miniatures. The character descriptions listed below are taken from the back of the Box Set:
The Wizard - 1200A; A powerful user of magic, schooled in the mystic arts.
Fighting Men - 1202B, 1202D; Trained warriors, clad in armor, and expert with weapons.
The Cleric - 1204C; A holy man whose powers can turn away unclean things.
The Thief - 1205A; Silent and stealthy, adept at scaling walls and picking locks.
The Sorceress - 1206C; A female magic user, mistress of the dark secrets.
Fighting Woman - 1207C; Daring and deadly with her flashing blade.
The Priestess - 1208A; A righteous cleric with healing powers.
Female Thief - 1209A; Expert with a rope and grappling hook, and a reliable disarmer of traps.
The Druid - 1210A; A special holy man with great knowledge of nature.
The Monk - 1210D; A wandering scholar and master of open-hand martial arts.
The Elf - 1211C; Knowledgeable in both sword and spell, his armor gleams with rich elven workmanship.
The Halfling - 1414B; A worthy adventurer with a keen eye and quick hand.
The Henchmen (4 different poses) - 1215A, 1215B, 1215C, 1215D; Hirelings who will fight beside you for a share in the treasure.
The Dwarf - 1297A; A fighter of remarkable strength and stoutness of heart.
Figures included in the Set: