3504 Box Cover Art

3503 & 3504-PG (Painting Guide)

Included in this set were 18 Roaming Monsters - Level 3 miniatures. The monster descriptions listed below are taken from the back of the Box Set:
BUBEARS (3) - 1245A, 1245B (2); These large, hairy goblin like creatures are partially armored, and very strong. They use a wide variety of weapons.
OGRE - 1248A-1; A ten foot tall man-eating giant of cruel and evil disposition.
BROWN SLIME - 1266A; A large yellow-brown amoeba which can flow through cracks and holes, or up walls, and which dissolves living organic matter.
WERE-RATS (2) - 1271A; Lycanthropes (were-creatures) which can take human or rat-like form. They can also control and summon hordes of rats to aid them.
WIGHTS (2) - 1276A; Undead Creatures which live near burial Places. They drain life-energy from living beings, who then become Wights also.
HAPRIES (2) - 1272A-1; Flying creatures with the heads and upper bodies of human women. Harpies can attack with claws or hand-held weapons.
WINK DOGS (3) - 1278A; These intelligent dogs can move by ‘winking out’ of existence at one place and reappearing at another. This gives them a great advantage in attack and defense.
DISPLACER CAT (3 parts) - 1279A, 1279B (2); These intelligent dogs can move by ‘winking out’ of existence at one place and reappearing at another. This gives them a great advantage in attack and defense.
DWARVES (3) - 1297B, 1297C, 1297D; Four-foot tall humanoids who are extremely strong and skillful fighters. They are particularly greedy for treasure.
Figures included in the Set:
The figures shown above were the miniatures provided in the earlier sets. However, variations in this Box Set were possible either due to the availability of a miniature or updates to the figures. As such, some sets may have included two 1245B and one 1245A Bugbears. Also, later sets may have included the revised Harpies with the base that was cut- down; 1272A-2 (see photos below).